Board pack software organizes all the necessary information into a single document that directors can easily access via their laptops, tablets or smartphones. Board members no longer have to communicate via non-secure channels, such as email. All documents are always presented in their most recent version. If an amendment or a new report is required, it can be replaced within the board packs immediately, and every user will receive a real-time notice of the changes that were made.
It can be tempting to include as much information into your board packs as possible to comply with regulations and provide benefits when making a plan for a meeting however, this could confuse and overburden board members who require clear, concise, and easy-to-read reports. The most effective boards find a balance between strict compliance and adding value to the company by making use of templates, incorporating logically ordered information, sticking to precise language and staying clear of excessively technical information.
The chair of the board is the primary responsibility for the contents of the board’s pack, and they must take the lead over ensuring the content is relevant and informative. Board members are busy and might not have time to read and absorb a board’s pack in the span of two weeks. The ideal timeframe for submitting board documents is 7 to 10 days. This gives members ample time to read, absorb and concentrate on the information.